I can't give you credit dude

Today I took a trip to a client of my mothers house. I sat down to a nice meal of rice & beans, cornbread, potato salad, and an ice cold Coca-Cola. I picked up the first newspaper I saw, ( I tend to not read those things due to instantaneous sadness) and read, "Credit goes to Obama." Well, I'm not giving credit to anyone, much less him. Sorry. Any intellectual being knows that someone that stepped into the role of future President of the United States a matter of days ago has not performed some kind of magic to be given "credit" for anything so quickly. When, and if, the man decides to act on the issues that matter in America, and shows improvement in these said issues, then I will give him credit.

After downing a few bites of my delectable meal, reading about some terrible hazing at Southern, I picked up newspaper number 2. What did I read you might ask? "Obama makes things happen." Now, I'm no rocket scientist or even close for that matter, but I'd like to think passing nursing school proves I am of some intelligence. That being said, I can't conclude how the 44th President, Obama, has "made things happen," unless he is a wizard of some sort. If he is indeed some kind of wizard with magical powers, all I ask is that he makes things happen, but make them the right things, and for that, all credit will then be due him.


Dana said...

He is an arrogant man, what was that one guys name " Jim Jones", thats who Obama reminds me of with his flock following right behind. Doesn't the bible say it will get worse before it gets better.